IUCN Red List of Animals 2015

Among 1619 assessed species, 50% of species are found as Least Concern (LC), 2% as Regionally Extinct (RE), 3% as Critically Endangered (CR), 11% as Endangered (EN), 9% as Vulnerable (VU), and 6% as Near Threatened (NT). Thirty one species are categorised as extinct from the country, while 390 species (29% of the total species assessed) are under the threatened categories (CR, EN and VU). Besides, 17% species are as Data Deficient (DD) due to lack of appropriate data and information required to justify the criteria used for categorizing. No such endemic species is available in Bangladesh to be assessed at the global scale.

To download IUCN Red List 2015 Volume 2: Mammal Click here

To download IUCN Red List 2015 Volume 3: Birds Click here

To download IUCN Red List 2015 Volume 4: Reptiles and Amphibians Click here

To download IUCN Red List 2015 Volume 5: Freshwater Fishes Click here

To download IUCN Red List 2015 Volume 5: Crustaceans Click here